We strongly believe

Females are the backbones and success to any beef enterprise

We emphasise on breeding cows foremost exhibiting docility and structural correctness (body, true to breed characteristics inclusive of udder development) coupled with strong maternal traits; (fertility, shortened gestation, unassisted calving, quality milk production with the ability to nurture and produce a calf in her natural environment meeting stud and industry breeding objectives.

Our target is to breed up to 500 stud HBR females, with a varied gene pool inclusive of proven genetics from around the world. This we will feel will allow the elite calves annually to stand out and only select these calves to go on as future breeders as sires and dams. Annually calves are assessed by an independent inspector and DNA results ensuring we have supportive data to back up decisions in the yards and paddock.

Sires are individually matched to individual females through identifying where the females need improving either in phenotype or genetype.

Below is a selection of our elite females who have earnt a place in the stud.